CrossFit Competition Team in Galveston Programming

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CrossFit Competition Team in Galveston Programming


Day 1 A. Squat Snatch – 1 Floor/ 1 Knee 6 @55% 6 @ 65.0% 6@70.0% 6 73.0% 6 75 (sit in the bottom position for a 3 count on the first 2 sets) B. Box Back Squat 4 x 6 @ 70% 1 sec pause

CrossFit Tidal Wave galveston

C. 3 mins Max KB Snatch (70/44) AMAP Lactic 8 Rounds 2 Muscle Up (scale 4 Chin Ups, 4 Dips) 4 TTB 6 KBS 70/55 8 Goblet Squats 70/53 10 KB Dead Lift 70/53 aaron muscle Aerobic Run 800 rest 1x Run 600 rest 1x Run 400 rest 1x Run 200 rest 1x Run 100 Day 2 A. Clean 1 Floor, 1 Knee 6 @55% 6 @ 65% 6@70% 6@ 73% 6@ 75 B. Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat : (4 @ 1) 5 sets/ Work up to heavy OH Squat (90% 1RM) C. RDL 4 x 6 (10lb heavier than last week) C2. 3 x 10 Banded Scare Crows Lactic EMOM 20 mins Even 5 DL 155/115 5 Push Up Odd: 20 Double Unders Aerobic 4 rounds of the following for max reps 90 sec. cal on AD for calories 90 sec. amrap double unders, 90 sec. amrap Wall Balls (30/20) 90 sec. rest Day 3 A. Front Squat 3 @ 60, 65, 70, 75, 80 2 sec pause in bottom B. Clean Pull 4@ 75 85 85 85 85 C. 5 x 5 Weighted Pull Ups (work up to Heaviest possible) C2. 3 x 20 Band Pull Aparts Lactic For time: 50 thrusters 135/95 *for every 30 sec over 7mins 3 Burpees Aerobic 21-15-9-15-21 Power Clean 135/95 Box Jump w/ Step Down 24/20 Day 4 A) Bench-Pause Last Rep Up 4 x 5 (65, 70, 80, 85) B) Close grip Bench 70% 3 @ 12 B2) DB Chest Supported Row 5 x12 C1) DB Skullcrushers 3 x 12 C2) DB Hammer Curls 3 x 15 Aerobic 3 Rounds 50-Calorie Row 15 Handstand Push-ups 50 Double Unders Lactic Even: 5 Toes to Bar + 5 Wall Balls 20/14 Odd: 1 Curtis P (135/95) + 3 Box Jumps 24/20

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