Trunk Stability Screen

Trunk Stability Screen

The trunk stability push-up tests the ability to stabilize the spine and trunk in the anterior and posterior planes during a closed-chain upper-body movement. Performing the screen: The individual assumes a prone position with the feet together. The hands then are placed shoulder- width apart at the appropriate position according to the criteria. The verbal instructions are, “Lie on your stomach with your hands positioned shoulder-width apart at the [appropriate hand placement].”

  • Males: Thumbs in line with the forehead
  • Females: Thumbs in line with the chin

“Raise your toes toward your shin, and place them on the ground. Extend your knees off of the ground. Maintain a rigid torso. Raise yourself as one unit with no lag in the low back into a push-up position.” The body should be lifted as a unit. There should be no dip in the lumbar spine when performing this push-up. If the individual cannot perform a push-up in this position, the hands are lowered to the appropriate position per the criteria below: A score of 3 is given if:

  • Males perform one repetition with thumbs aligned with the top of the forehead.
  • Females perform one repetition with thumbs aligned with chin.

A score of 2 is given if:

  • Males perform one repetition with thumbs aligned with chin.
  • Females perform one repetition with thumbs aligned with clavicle.

A score of 1 is given if:

  • Males are unable to perform one repetition with hands aligned with chin.
  • Females are unable to perform one repetition with thumbs aligned with clavicle. Workout of the Day (WOD) cole ball tgu liz box jump mia plate carry 4 Rounds for Time 100m Pinch Grip Farmer’s Carry 5 Box Jumps 10 Med Ball Get Ups 15 Russian Twists (30/20)

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