Weighted Pull Ups + Wall Balls

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Weighted Pull Ups + Wall Balls

jill wallball Strength Workout (SWOD) A. 5/3/1 Weighted Pull Up 2min rest B. Max Rep Push Ups he strict pull up, particularly when performed with extra weight — be it kettlebells, dumbbells, or a vest — builds far more muscle for functional strength because of the upper body isolation required. I believe that strict weighted pull ups should be performed in CrossFit boxes on a weekly basis because, as previously mentioned, they build more muscle and strength, they complement kipping pull ups, they promote full functional preparedness, they offer variation to a WOD, and they promote the notion of always setting higher goals for the athlete. This, to me, is what CrossFit is about at the end of the day. Galveston CrossFit Workout of the Day (WOD) 30 Inchworms 40 Push Ups 50 Wall Balls (20/14) 40 Med Ball Sit Ups 30 Med Ball V Ups med ball vup]]>

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