Box Holds and Thrusters

Strength WOD A1. Bulgarian Split Squat W/1sec Pause x 6 A2. 30 Sec Box Hold 45 secs 4 sets Box Holds at CrossFit Tidal Wave in Galveston, TXBox Holds at CrossFit Tidal Wave in Galveston, TXSplit Squats at CrossFit Tidal Wave in Galveston, TX Straddle holds are another common routine element. Like the pike hold, once you learn this you can get creative with it and create new holds. Like for the pike holds, by incorporating V sits, hanging leg lifts in full range of motion and some pike leaps, you make it all easier. You try it with your feet off the ground, using a bench or chair. This allows room for heels to sag without touching, until you get stronger. At this point you can begin to practice on the floor and should be able to get your hold even if only for a second. Practicing these with sets and reps as above will get you to a strong hold on the floor. You can try this with one hand behind you, this leads to a straddle turn. Try it with your hands behind you so you can lift heels! Advanced can go into a straddle V from there back into the hold. Lastly you can bend a leg while in the hold then alternate bending your legs, meanwhile holding yourself up. WOD (workout of the day) 8min Ascending Ladder 3 Thrusters (95/65) 10 Double Unders 4/10 5/10 and so on…. at the End of 8min 50 Abmats AFAP Kevin does Thrusters at CrossFit Tidal Wave in Galveston, TXGalvestons CrossFit Tidal Wave]]>

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