Competitor WOD Metcons and Elizabeth

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Competitor WOD Metcons and Elizabeth

Competitor WOD Power Clean at CrossFit Tidal Wave in Galveston, TXCompetitor WOD Snatch at CrossFit Tidal Wave in Galveston, TXCompetitor WOD Jackie Clean at CrossFit Tidal Wave in Galveston, TX MetCon Elizabeth 21-15-9 Squat Clean 135/95 Ring Dips Day 2 Strength WOD A. C&J: 1 rep at the following % of 1rm: 60,70, 80, 85, 90, 95, 85, 90, 95 B. Clean pull: 3x (3 reps at 90%, 2 reps at 100%) C. EMOM x 6 minutes = 3 OHS *building D. 3 x 5 Dragon Flags MetCon 3 on the 7:00s (0,7,14) 1) 600m Run, 20 OH Lunge Steps, 10 T2B 2) 400m Run, 40 OH Lunge Steps, 20 T2B 3) 200m Run, 60 OH Lunge Steps, 30 T2B Day 3 Strength WOD A. CG bench press – build to 3 RM B .CTB pull ups 3 x amrap (1min rest) C. Kb bent over row x 6/side x 3 sets, rest 60 seconds MetCon 50 Double-Unders (sub: 150 Singles) 21 Power Snatch 135/85 21 Plyo Push-Ups (on plate 45/25) 50 Double-Unders 15 Power Snatch 15 Plyo Push-Ups 50 Double-Unders 9 Power Snatch 9 Plyo Push-Ups Day 4 A.1 RDL 3×5 rest 60 seconds A.2 Strict shoulder press 3 x 5 rest 60 seconds B. Ring push ups 2 sets of 60 sec AMRAP C. GHD Back Extension 3 x 10 (weighted with 2 second descent) MetCon AMRAP 12:00 4x HSPU (or 6 HSPU descents) 8x Pistols (4 each leg) 12x Sit-Ups]]>

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