MetCon Elizabeth 21-15-9 Squat Clean 135/95 Ring Dips Day 2 Strength WOD A. C&J: 1 rep at the following % of 1rm: 60,70, 80, 85, 90, 95, 85, 90, 95 B. Clean pull: 3x (3 reps at 90%, 2 reps at 100%) C. EMOM x 6 minutes = 3 OHS *building D. 3 x 5 Dragon Flags MetCon 3 on the 7:00s (0,7,14) 1) 600m Run, 20 OH Lunge Steps, 10 T2B 2) 400m Run, 40 OH Lunge Steps, 20 T2B 3) 200m Run, 60 OH Lunge Steps, 30 T2B Day 3 Strength WOD A. CG bench press – build to 3 RM B .CTB pull ups 3 x amrap (1min rest) C. Kb bent over row x 6/side x 3 sets, rest 60 seconds MetCon 50 Double-Unders (sub: 150 Singles) 21 Power Snatch 135/85 21 Plyo Push-Ups (on plate 45/25) 50 Double-Unders 15 Power Snatch 15 Plyo Push-Ups 50 Double-Unders 9 Power Snatch 9 Plyo Push-Ups Day 4 A.1 RDL 3×5 rest 60 seconds A.2 Strict shoulder press 3 x 5 rest 60 seconds B. Ring push ups 2 sets of 60 sec AMRAP C. GHD Back Extension 3 x 10 (weighted with 2 second descent) MetCon AMRAP 12:00 4x HSPU (or 6 HSPU descents) 8x Pistols (4 each leg) 12x Sit-Ups]]>
Competitor WOD Metcons and Elizabeth
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