CrossFit Competition Team Galveston
If you folks haven’t noticed we have shifted to a Snatch focus for a couple for a cycle. After the last team event I noticed we need to get those poundages up so I altered the focus.
A. Snatch, Blocks- Below Knee 3 @65.0% 3@ 75.0% 2@ 80.0% 2@ 85.0% 1@ 90.0% B. Back Box Squat 4@ 65.0% 4@ 75.0% 4 @80.0% 4@ 85.0% C. Clean Pull 4@ 75.0% 4@ 80.0% 3@ 85.0% 2@ 90.0% D. 3 mins of Handstand Progression work pt2 pt 3