Front Squat and Wall Balls SWOD (Strength Workout) A1. 4 x 5 (65. 70,75,80) Front Squat A2. 3 x 15 Facepulls with band
*Tip I see so many people try to front squat while still gripping onto the bar for dear life. This is vaguely acceptable if you have the flexibility to do so, but most people aren’t in this position (no pun intended). If your mechanics are correct, you shouldn’t have to grip to hold onto the bar. In fact you shouldn’t need to have to hold on to the bar at all. WOD (Workout of the Day)
3 Rounds Against a 3 minute clock,
25 Mountain Climbers on 2 count
50 Single Unders
Max Wallball reps (Scale up to 2 for 1 wall balls if possible) rest 1 min