In House Competition Success !

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In House Competition Success !

11830958_10207430286861533_189381981_n Event 111119707_10152908318847100_770769833_n 11844003_10152908321237100_2053285866_n 11844250_10152908317257100_1118722433_n WOD 1 5 min Cap 30 Alternating Burpees (Person A does 1, Person B does 1 until you hit 30 reps) 30 Med Ball Sit Up Passes ( All Male Team:20lb, Co Ed: 14, Female:12 lb) 20,20 10, 10 reps of each

In remaining time of 5 mins: Sets of 10 American KB Swings (Person A does 10, Person b does 10, and keep going) (53/35) (44/26)
Event 2 6 min AMRAP 15 Goblet Squats (53/35) (44/26) (partner holds bottom of squat w/kettlebell) – hips must break parallel or show your judge your Range of motion (scaled only)
10 Over Head Plate Lunges each leg (45/25) (25/15) (Partner holds plate above their head) * dropping plate from above waist is -10 rep penalty 5 Pull Ups/ Scaled 5 Hanging Knee Raises (knee must pass hip crease) *partner must be hanging on the bar for reps to count 11844139_10152908305427100_2095906860_n11851088_10152908306587100_734147776_n Reps for score in house 2 Final Event Max Meters in 5mins trading off every 100m Partner holds Wall Sit while Partner A Rows. in house 3

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