Last Weeks Workouts: Level Testing

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Last Weeks Workouts: Level Testing

This was our retesting week from 10 weeks ago. Athletes that had glaring deficiencies were given homework to do before/after class to address their specific needs. The scoring was based on a Level 1-Level 3 methodology. Typically most General Population hang around Level 1 for most tests with one or two 2’s. If you are “2” across the board your performance is intermediate/int. advanced and you should be ready to compete at most local competitions. If you are level “3’s” across the board you are a higher level athlete ready for advanced competitions. Day 1 SWOD (Absolute Strength) (15 min Cap) 8/6/4/1.1.1 *55%, 75%, 80%, 95%, 101%, etc Back Squat Level 1: Below BW, Level 2: Back Squat: 1xBW, 1x.75BW, Level 3: Back Squat: 1.5 x BW, 1.25 BW [caption id="attachment_7559" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Will crushing Back Squats[/caption] Pull Up Test (10 min Cap) Level 1: Pull Ups: 5, 2, Level 2: Pull Ups: 12 Strict, 8 Strict Kipping Pull Ups: 20, 15 Level 3: Pull Ups: 30 Kipping, 15 Strict/12 Strict WOD Alactic Power/Endurance Elizabeth 21-15-9 Ring Dips/Squat Cleans Level 1m: 10:00 / w: 12:30 (95/65lbs/ push-ups) Level 2 m: 8:00 / w: 14:00 Level 3: m: 7:00 / w: 11:30 Level 4: m: 6:00 / w: 9:00 Day 2 SWOD Absolute Strength 12 mins to 1RM Strict Press Level 2: Shoulder Press: .5 BW, .4 BW Level 3: Shoulder Press: .75 BW, ,6 BW Toes To Bar 12 Days of Christmas at CrossFit Tidal Wave Gymnastics Test Level 1: Hanging Abs: 10 Knees above hip crease Level 2: L- Sit: 15 sec on Rings + Knees to Elbows: 10 Strict Level 3: Toes to Bar: 10 Strict + L-hold: 30 Secs (Toes above hips) WOD 1k Row Lactic Endurance Level 1k Row: 1k Row: 4:00, 5:00 Level 2: 1k Row: 3:30, 4:15 Level 3: 1k Row: 3:20, 4min 3 min Rest then 3 Tries on 400m Run (have them partner with someone who holds a phone stopwatch) Lactic Power Level 1: 400m Run: 2:00, 2:25 Level 2: 400m Run: 1:35, 1:45 Level 3: 400m Run: 1:12, 1:20 Day 3 SWOD (Skill Test) 5 mins to Max Rep Double Unders Level 1: 100 Singles and Double Unders: 5 in 20 seconds Level 2: Double Unders: 30 in 20 and 10 Unbroken Level 3: Double Unders: 50 Unbroken 2 min Rest Skill Test #2 Squat Mobility Skill Level 1: Air Squats: 30 reps in 60 secs below parallel Level 2: Squat: 10 reps of Stick OHS with toes on wall, below parallel Level 3: Pistols: 10 each leg Alternating Unbroken WOD “Karen” Power Endurance 150 Wall Balls for time Elite: Sub 4:00 Level 3: 4:00-5:00 Level 2: 5:00-8:00 Level 1: 8:00-10:00 Coaches/Athletes: These are estimated RX goal times, scale as needed to finish in these time frames. TIPS This workout was designed to be a sprint. When scaling, keep in mind you want efficient, not sloppy, movement to fall under a 10:00 minute time cap. Avoid going to failure on your reps. Stop 1-2 reps short of failure to preserve muscle fatigue and endurance. Day 4 SWOD 12 mins to 1 RM Snatch Level 2: Snatch: .5 BW Level 3: Snatch: 1x BW, .75 BW Skills test Handstand Level 1 : Two Wall Walks chest to Wall Level 2: Handstand: 1min on Wall 9 + 1 Strict HSPU Level 3: Hand Stand; 10 sec Free Hold, 10 Kipping, 5 Strict WOD 1 min Max Rep Burpees Lactic Power Level 1: 18 Level 2: 24 Level 3: 28 Level 4: 32 2 min rest then 1 Mile Run Time Trial Level 1: Mile Run: 9:30, 11:00 Level 2: Mile Run: 6:45mins, 8mins Level 3: 1 mile Run: 6:15, 7min Day 5 CrossFit Open WOD ]]>

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