Strict Pull Up and Man Makers

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Strict Pull Up and Man Makers

Weighted Chin Ups at CrossFit Tidal Wave The strict pull up, particularly when performed with extra weight — be it kettlebells, dumbbells, or a vest — builds far more muscle for functional strength because of the upper body isolation required.  Much like the way the strict press complements the push press and the jerk because of the strength built in isolation, strict weighted pull ups build functional strength towards improving one’s kipping pull ups. This means that strict pull ups, especially when weighted, help a CrossFitter to improve his/her kipping stamina.Therefore, a CrossFitter who regularly practices strict weighted pull ups will not only have more upper body muscle and strength, but he/she will also be able to perform more kipping pull ups. Strength WOD 3 x Max Strict Pull Ups A2. 1min SMR per round Workout of the Day 10-1 Man Makers (45/25) 100 Single Unders after each round manmakers]]>

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