Jon's Going Away WOD

Good luck Jon ![/caption] Jon's Going Away WOD [caption id="attachment_568" align="alignnone" width="179"]Jon's Going Away WOD Jon rides his bike[/caption] WOD 5/11/13 Jon’s Going Away WOD 4 Rounds 22 KB Swings (53/35) 22 Wall Balls (20/14) 22 PushUps Jon's Going Away WOD Jon's Going Away WOD Jon's Going Away WOD The push up is a fantastic exercise. It will forever remain a staple for building the pecs, shoulders and triceps. However, let’s not forget to appreciate its most redeeming quality: The push up is an ultimate test in torso stability, and the ability to coordinate movement around a stable midsection. While this function of the push up makes it such a great choice for gym goers, it also provides us the reason that push-ups from a kneeling stance will have little transfer to performing them on your feet. Instead, elevate the hands as necessary, and train the push up in the position you ultimately desire to do them from in the future. Doing so will not only help you to train the muscles responsible for pushing, but also those responsible for keeping the spine in a neutral position.]]>

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