Today’s WOD Snatches and Tabata SWOD 5 x 3 Snatch Snatch Tips The snatch is a very technical lift. It’s also meant to be done very explosively. Anything that’s technical and explosive should be done for sets of 1-3. Eventually if you get good at them you could do as many as five or six reps All Olympic lifts are meant to be done very explosively. So you never want to use heavy weights that slow you down.Keep it fast and always maintain perfect technique. One quick move from knees to lockout. No pressing. It’s hard to increase the weight on snatches so don’t rush it. You have to be consistent and patient. Using the same weight for a few workouts (or even weeks) in a row is a good idea. When you’re in the start position keep those two cues in mind. As you start to explode up and the bar moves along your quads just think about shrugging violently and simultaneously jumping straight up in the air as high as you can. WOD Tabata 4 Rounds Each A. Med Ball PushUps B. Rev Lunges C. Dive Bombers D. Jump Squats E. Close Grip Push Ups F. Leg Torchers]]>
Snatches and Tabata
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