Snatches and Double Unders

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Snatches and Double Unders

WOD Snatches and Double Unders SWOD A1. 3 x 3 Hang Snatches A2. 3 x 5 Weighted Dips Hang Snatch Tips: The short answer for how wide your feet should be when doing the snatch is “jump width.” The long answer is a little more complex and is more like “it depends.” Setting up for a hang snatch is a little easier than a power snatch or full snatch from the ground, and in those cases the stance should be jump-width apart. Toes should be pointed out slightly; not much, but slightly. In the jump-width stance (about as wide as your hips), feet should be directly below your hips. When your feet are directly below your hips, force created in the posterior chain is directed straight into the ground and there is no lateral leak of power. This is a good thing. If we’re using the big movers of the back-side, ideally we’re using the fullest power potential we can create and not losing power to lateral forces. Snatches and Double Unders. Galveston's CrossFit Tidal Wave Snatches and Double Unders. Galveston's CrossFit Tidal Wave Snatches and Double Unders. Galveston's CrossFit Tidal Wave WOD 12min AMRAP 10 Deadlifts (225/135) 10 Ring Push Ups 40 Double Unders

For Double Unders : Concentrate on form.

Your form with each hop should not change much from a single to a double-under. You are just powering up a little higher on a double under. That way, the movement is more efficient and less exhausting.

Wrists should be close to hips so that they aren’t floating away from your body, shortening your rope, which allows it to catch on your feet. It’s all in the fast wrist!

If you stress yourself out you won’t be able to do DU’s. I always tell people to relax their face because they tend to focus a little more and not shrug their shoulders which shortens the jump rope. Snatches and Double Unders. Galveston's CrossFit Tidal Wave Snatches and Double Unders. Galveston's CrossFit Tidal Wave]]>

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