Prepare Your Wrists
However, the wrists are the joints that need the most TLC when preparing for a handstand because otherwise, handstands can put those suckas through a helluva beating. Since the wrists are closest to the ground, the weight of your body rests on them, and that’s a lot of force for such tiny joints!
The wrists are actually used to a lot of force – just a different kind.
The force you put on your wrists on a typical day is called a distraction force – a force that pulls the joint apart ever so slightly. For instance, whenever you hold a heavy grocery bag, you put your wrist through a distraction force.
But in a handstand, the wrist is engaged in a different kind of force, called a compression force, where the joint is pushed together more tightly. This is a perfectly healthy force to put on your wrists, but it’s one you’ll have to get your wrists used to, since it’s likely not one you engage in on a regular basis, unless you regularly practice yoga or other similar types of exercise.
Don’t neglect preparing your wrists for handstand work, because that can come back and bite you later. Take some extra time to warm-up and you’ll avoid undue pain and soreness.
If you want to make progress with your handstand, having strong, flexible wrists is going to be key.
WOD Tabata (20 on/10 Off) 6 Rounds Each A. V- Ups B. Ring Rows C. Straight Leg Sit Ups D. Med Ball Sit Ups (20/14) ]]>