It is that time again to run our Fall Foundations course ( Beginner’s Class ) .
If you are interested in CrossFit but feel like you have a long way to go to actually participate then this is exactly what you are looking for. This is for not just the novice but for the experienced interested in learning not just CrossFit techniques but the unique Tidal Wave methodology as well! At CrossFit Tidal Wave we strive to merge science, experience, and innovation into a one of a kind fitness experience!
How do I register?
1, Fill out our Contact Us Form and put “Beginner” in the notes. (located below)
2. Arrive August 27th at 5:50 to make payment in House. $50 for the class unless you tag two people in the comments section of the Facebook Ad then the price is discounted to $20!
3. Be ready to change your life!
Here are the details:
4 Day Session beginning August 27th – August 30th M, T, W, Th at 6pm to 7pm
$50 for the class unless you tag two people in the comments section of the Facebook Ad then the price is discounted to $20!
Good for all ability levels We will cover all the fundamental theory, safe lifting technique, as well Beginner’s workouts to ramp you up to being able to participate in our Group classes at a Beginner level.
This session will be happening at CrossFit Tidal Wave.