How to be Better at CrossFit

1. Lift heavy “ish” weights regularly.  Metcons are fun and everything but getting stronger will give you a foundation to continually progress. Rarely can the answer not be solved by getting stronger. Ex: Kipping without a base of strength. All you need to do is look at the “for time” direction on “Fran” to realize why kipping pull-ups are more popular among CrossFitters than strict, dead-hang pull-ups. CrossFit rewards efficiency, so you don’t have to look at the two movements long to realize that kipping is faster and more efficient. Folks who don’t have the strength to accomplish strict pull-ups will often forgo the process of getting stronger in the strict fashion and will learn kipping, and with that comes increased potential for injury. How To Be Better at CrossFit by @XFittidalWave a Galveston Crossfit Gym 2. Check your Ego and Scale when necessary. A movement is only as good as the quality of it. Scaling is an integral part of CrossFit training, the means by which you and, say, Jason Khalipa can do the exact same workout and get the same training effect.  Scaling is not only not used enough; it’s also misimplemented. Just because you’re able to do a given WOD as prescribed doesn’t mean you should. Scaling doesn’t exist only to help you complete a workout; it’s also there to get the correct training stimulus. How To Be Better at CrossFit by @XFittidalWave a Galveston Crossfit Gym 3Take REST days. I know it’s an insane concept but you CAN’T train every day.  CrossFit is very demanding and if you want to live a pain free life you better realize that your body needs a balance of stress/recovery. You get stronger by healing….not by hammering yourself into a fine powder! You are only as strong as your recovery. 4. WRITE YOUR STUFF DOWN! Get a journal and write your weights and times down….today.  You can’t guess what 75% of your 1 rep max will be. 5. Results have stopped ( or have they?): Most of the time people think results stop when they are in the “Grind”. The grind is when you body is now somewhat comfortable with what you are doing to it and progress comes in seconds instead of minutes, inches instead of feet, 5 lbs instead of 20. Pay attention (and write it down). 5 weeks of 5 lbs gains add up. 6. Find your weaknesses and spend 10mins working on them every class. Could be stretching, double unders, pullups, etc. 7. Nutrition! You can’t out train a crappy diet. Don’t ask about some super secret carb cycling backloading paleo protocol is you are pizza/beering it to bed everynight. How To Be Better at CrossFit by @XFittidalWave a Galveston Crossfit Gym Thank you for joining me here in the coaches corner!]]>

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