A League of their Own: CrossFit Tidal Wave Competition Team

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A League of their Own: CrossFit Tidal Wave Competition Team

“There’s no crying in Crossfit!”

Crossfit Tidal Wave Competition Team Participates in “A League of Their Own”

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Ten female members of Crossfit Tidal Wave Galveston competed in Mission Crossfit’s “A League of Their Own” competition in San Antonio, Texas, last weekend. This all-girls baseball themed competition featured a “Minors” (scaled) and “Majors” (RX) Division and creative, comprehensive workouts that required teams to put both their strength and skill set to work.

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The first WOD was aptly named “The Lineup,” knowing that behind every great team is a balanced lineup.  That balance was tested through two individual workouts, the Switch Hitter and the Heavy Hitter, forcing teams to find advantage in one’s skills, the other in her strength.  For Minors Teams, the “Switch Hitter” had 5 minutes to complete as many reps as possible of Double-Unders or Wall Climbs (Handstand Push Ups for Majors); for each successful DU repetition, the athlete was awarded 1 point, for each successful WC / HSPU repetition, the athlete was awarded 5 points. The “Heavy Hitter” was completed by the remaining member of each team, advancing up a ladder of pre-set barbells to find her one repetition max in the following unbroken Barbell Complex: Clean + Hang Clean + Shoulder-to-Overhead (STO).

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The second WOD was “The Rundown” – a partner chipper for time with a 15 minute cutoff. Teams had to complete 50 Overhead Plate Lunges, 50 Slam Ball Sit-Ups, 50 Ground to Overhead, 50 Back Squats and 50 Partner Burpees.

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The third WOD was the “Triple Play.” This ten minute AMRAP required alternating rounds with partners of 5 Toes-to-Bar, 5 Hang Squat Clean Thruster and 5 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (Pull Ups for the Majors).

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The top six teams from Majors and Minors advanced on to a Final WOD – sled work for time with weight added to each length to reach a final load of 400 pounds. Minors Team “Red, White and Bruised” comprised of Christin Melissa and Amanda White advanced to the finals and placed third overall.

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“Being able to complete with nine other amazing and inspirational girls from Crossfit Tidal Wave made for a great competition” stated Minors competitor Amanda White. “Making the finals for the first time was something I’ll never forget. All the love and support from everyone topped it off and made it my favorite competition weekend yet!”

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A League of Their Own brought fledgling competitors to the scene as well. Sara Peeples and Juli de la Rocca of Team “Swolemates” had their first competition experience in San Antonio. “It was the best experience I could ask for being my first competition” said Sara. “I couldn’t have achieved what I did without the amazing, strong ladies around me.”

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The competition caravan didn’t just include the competitors and Coach Taylor Wilson. More than 15 family members, fans and supporters made the trip from Galveston to cheer on the Tidal Wave girls and experience the event alongside the athletes.

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“Crossfit is just as much about cheering other athletes and team members on – it’s the camaraderie that makes it different” said Team “Baby Got Back Squats” member Elizabeth Rogers. “For Kara and I, having our family, friends and supporters out there took the experience to a whole new level.”

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Special thanks to Mission Crossfit for an impeccable competition, family and friends who supported and Coach Shaun McCrary for his relentless programming and “holding down the fort” while the girls were away. For more information about Crossfit Tidal Wave, located at 2324 Market Street, Galveston, visit www.gymsingalveston.com, call (832) 705 9862 or email CrossFitTidalWave@gmail.com.


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