At Mainland CrossFit and CrossFit Tidal Wave we get a pretty sizeable amount of requests to see our programming prior to attending our gym or if someone is dropping in and wants to see if they want to do the Wod or not. Our statement is that CrossFit is being prepared for the unknowable. We made this decision when I had programmed a running heavy wod and I had all of my endurance athletes show up that day. I programmed power lifting style bench press and shoulder work the next day and all my resident meatheads showed up. When I asked why I had not seen them all week they said ” I didn’t feel like running”. More often than not we will get the biggest results from what we don’t want to do not what we like to do. That is the battle cry of CrossFit “Punish your weaknesses!”. But for those of you asking I am including a sample week of our programming. FOR THOSE OF YOU NEW TO CROSSFIT please realize that we program workouts separately for beginners. YOu would not be attempting these workouts on your first day unless you were already a moderately experienced Crossfitter. Sample Programming Day 1 A1 Overhead Squat: 5 x 3 @75% of Snatch or moderate-heavy weight. Rest 1:30 A2. 4 x 8 Banded Wood Choppers ( 10 R + 10 L) WOD “*Have people go through movements building to work weight and get good and warm before hitting this. AMRAP 8 ascending reps: 1 Power Clean (115, 75) 1 Hang Sq Clean (115, 75) 1 S20H (115, 75) L3: (95, 65) L2: (75, 55) L1: (65, 35) Extra Credit:”50-100 Banded Leg Curls 3 x 10 Abs with plate switch” Intent: OHS should be moderately heavy, but form takes precedence. If people are not comfortable with OHS they can perform front squats 5 x 3 @80-85%. – Metcon: encourage people to not drop the bar between front squats and S20H for as long as possible. It will save quite a bit of time. Day 2 1a) KB Forward Lunges: 3 x 6 ea. Rest 60s. 1b) KB Single Leg RDL: 3 x 6 ea. Rest 60s. 1c) KB Half Kneeling Single Arm Presses: 3 x 6 ea. Rest 60s. WOD 4 RFT: 400 Meter Run 25 KBS (53, 35) 15 Hollow Rocks (Rx+ 70/44 ) Intent: – Metcon: advise people to start off slow and try to increase their pace each time=improve work output. KBS should be smooths as it’s 100 total reps. People should be able to get their swings done in no more than 2 sets for at least the first 2 rounds. Day 3 A1 Strict Weighted Chin-ups: 5 x 4. Add weight each set or perform at bodyweight or assisted A2. 4 x 6 1 sec Pause Bench Press (on chest) 60, 65, 70, 75% WOD 4 Rds of 45 work/15 rest: 1a) Wallballs (30, 20) 1b) Box Jumps (30/24) 1c) Burpees 1d) Slam Balls (50/25) Extra Credit: 50-100 Banded Pull-aparts B Tricep Extensions: 2 x 12-15. Rest 60s. Intent: Push hard during the 45 secs, Earn that rest. The 1 sec pause on the bench not only helps bottom position strength but it also stops people from bouncing. On the chin ups be extra careful about people not letting their ears go in between their biceps (impingement) Day 4 “Gymnastics/GPP AMRAP 10: 200 ft KB Rack Carry 10-30s Handstand Hold or Walk WOD 20min AMRAP Regional Event #2 10 rounds for time: 4 strict muscle-ups (C2B or Pull Up) 7 strict handstand push-ups 12 kettlebell snatches 70/53 Time cap: 20 minutes Extra Credit 5:00 of foam rolling wherever you are sore Day 5 Power Clean + Front Squat: 8 x 1 + 2 @75%. Rest 90s. WOD 3 RFT: 10 Clean and Jerk (135, 95) 15 T2B L3: (115, 75) L2: (95, 65) (Knee lifts) L1: (65, 35) (15 Sit-ups after ea set) Extra Credit: KB Lunges: 3 x 6 ea. Rest 60s. 50-100 Banded Leg Curls Intent: Power Clean + Front Squat should be smooth/fast. Make sure this isn’t just a crappy squat clean. MASTER THE DANG POSITIONS ! Day 6 SWOD Split Jerk: Up to a heavy 1. Rest 1:30 between sets. Give people 15:00 WOD AMRAP 22 with a partner: 30 Burpees Run 400 meters 20 Hang Pwr Snatches (115, 75) Run 400 meters 10 Bar Muscle-ups Intent: Jerk doesn’t have to be a max, but if people are feeling good they can go for it. – People don’t need to try to crush this one, just keep moving.]]>
Sample Programming
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